Reviews of Zooming & Workshops


Customer Hi Carolyn, I wanted to touch base with you again, just to say hello and to thank you for your excellent tutoring and encouragement whilst doing your personal facial fitness instructors...


Customer Hi Carolyn, I wanted to touch base with you again, just to say hello and to thank you for your excellent tutoring and encouragement whilst doing your personal facial fitness instructors...


Dearest Carolyn, Thank you for the wonderful workshop and personal analysis you did for me yesterday in Seattle. I am so grateful to have found you online and that you offered this...


Dearest Carolyn, Thank you for the wonderful workshop and personal analysis you did for me yesterday in Seattle. I am so grateful to have found you online and that you offered this...


It was so nice seeing you, Carolyn. You look more beautiful than ever! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom on a fabulous workshop. Every time I attend a...


It was so nice seeing you, Carolyn. You look more beautiful than ever! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom on a fabulous workshop. Every time I attend a...


Hello Carolyn, I have to say I was very impressed by your presentation during the workshop (Online classes coming soon) yesterday. Although it went by very quickly I feel you’ve provided enough backup...


Hello Carolyn, I have to say I was very impressed by your presentation during the workshop (Online classes coming soon) yesterday. Although it went by very quickly I feel you’ve provided enough backup...