
Introducing CFF Bonus Exercise Video Clips

To further sculpt your face after you have established your foundational build. What is the Foundational Build? CFF’s 28 basic exercises you find in the CFF video program are designed to give your...

Introducing CFF Bonus Exercise Video Clips

To further sculpt your face after you have established your foundational build. What is the Foundational Build? CFF’s 28 basic exercises you find in the CFF video program are designed to give your...

Instagram Interview with Mia

Carolyn was interviewed by Mia, a facial exercise expert in Croatia! Watch the interview and practice some sample facial exercises.

Instagram Interview with Mia

Carolyn was interviewed by Mia, a facial exercise expert in Croatia! Watch the interview and practice some sample facial exercises.

A Word about Preservatives and CFFormulas

Some of you have asked about the preservatives used in the Carolyn’s Facial Formulas™ skin care line. Rest assured, the “organically preserved base” used in the CFFormulas™ skin care line...

A Word about Preservatives and CFFormulas

Some of you have asked about the preservatives used in the Carolyn’s Facial Formulas™ skin care line. Rest assured, the “organically preserved base” used in the CFFormulas™ skin care line...

Free Radicals, Antioxidants and the Skin

What are “free radicals” and how do antioxidants help with their damage, especially when it comes to our skin? When I first started to research skin care products, I started...

Free Radicals, Antioxidants and the Skin

What are “free radicals” and how do antioxidants help with their damage, especially when it comes to our skin? When I first started to research skin care products, I started...

Organically Based Preservative System

  Some of you have asked about the preservatives used in the Carolyn’s Facial Formula™ skin care line. We do not use the usual “chemical” preservatives found in most skin care ...

Organically Based Preservative System

  Some of you have asked about the preservatives used in the Carolyn’s Facial Formula™ skin care line. We do not use the usual “chemical” preservatives found in most skin care ...

Cleansing Scrub Revamped

Newly-sized Jojoba Beads Some of you may have noticed that the new CFFormulas™ Cleansing Scrub is a little different than it was before. We still have all the same incredible...

Cleansing Scrub Revamped

Newly-sized Jojoba Beads Some of you may have noticed that the new CFFormulas™ Cleansing Scrub is a little different than it was before. We still have all the same incredible...